Early Childhood Development & Education Projects (NP)
These are some samples of the different projects and works I have accomplished and participated in when studying Early Childhood Development & Education in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Lesson Implementation on theme of "Our Solar System" (For Practicum 2 Practical Assessment)
Conducted a lesson implementation on the theme of "Our Solar System" for my assigned Kindergarten 2 (K2) children at PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Bedok for one of my Practicum 2 practical assessments. In the first photo, I was recapping children on a book we read previously called "Our Solar System by Martin" by Bill Nagelkerke to tune-in and dive on children's prior knowledge and interests before moving on to the main activities (small-group).
Child in front was sharing about his favourite planet in the storybook.
Used during the story to further engage children in the lesson.
Child in front was sharing about his favourite planet in the storybook.
Parental Involvement Take-home Activity Kit on theme of "Racial Harmony Day" (For Internship Assignment)
For my internship's take-home kit assignment, I incorporated Racial Harmony as the week I was creating it was on Racial Harmony and thus I provided materials and made about 30-40 kits with instructions and materials provided for children to use. Thankfully, my children returned these kits with these beautiful puppets made together with their parents at home. It was truly heartwarming.
Thankful to constant reminders and my close relationships with the parents of my children, I managed to have many returned kits to display on the board.
Materials provided in the kit includes a paper bag, coloured papers (random colours), yarn, ribbons, paper shape cut-outs, googly eyes, a "Head" picture template (optional to use), crepe papers (random colours) and an Instructions Card.
Contents inside kit includes rationale of the kit, materials list, inspiration ideas and instructions card.
Thankful to constant reminders and my close relationships with the parents of my children, I managed to have many returned kits to display on the board.
Family Resource Area (For A Module Assignment)
For a module called "Family & Community Partnership", my group and I designed and created this Family Resource Area that would commonly exist in a typical preschool centre, catered to children and their families. It consists of event posters, a school newsletter, a resource list for parents, refreshments to enjoy when looking around, and a Children's Corner to engage children with manipulatives such as Unifix cubes, soft toys, children's books, and a display of children's artworks on the wall.
To keep children engaged with manipulatives such as Unifix cubes and soft toys. Children can admire their own artwork pasted on the wall and appreciate their friend's artworks here as well.
Resources include parenting books, refreshments, parent's feedback/suggestions box and brochures/pamphlets of community resources such as Family Service Centres.
Lesson Implementation with theme of "Solar System" for topic on "Number Bonds" (For Internship Practical Assessment)
Conducted a lesson implementation on the theme of "Number Bonds" for my assigned Kindergarten 2 (K2) children at MyFirstSkool Preschool @ Tampines for one of my practical assessments. In this photo, I was recapping children on how to read number bonds and calculate the addition of numbers using the circles (parts) in number bonds and Unifix cubes to tune-in and dive on children's prior knowledge and interests before moving on to the main activities.
The theme for this lesson implementation is on "Solar System" hence the small-group activity would inculcate planets as Number Bonds.
Children are to work collaboratively in a group with peers to complete the “Planet Bonds” task with guidance and ask questions for clarification and to obtain information.
For children with higher ability after they have completed the Number Bonds task for Part 1 & Part 2 (Level 1).
The theme for this lesson implementation is on "Solar System" hence the small-group activity would inculcate planets as Number Bonds.
Other Internship Projects and Artworks I have created
These are some of the projects and artworks I've created during my 6-months internship programme at MyFirstSkool Preschool @ Tampines in 2022:
I assisted in designing and putting up the decorations such as the angry birds and pac-man and some of the take-home kits from parents, arranged the layout of the dramatic corner in a way that is spacious and comfortable for children to play in.
I created this game using recyclable materials such as cardboard and boxes for my Kindergarten 2 class's Dramatic Corner.
Created this NASA rocket using recycled materials such as toilet paper rolls and crepe papers and coloured papers for my internship centre's Discovery Of The World corner.
I assisted in designing and putting up the decorations such as the angry birds and pac-man and some of the take-home kits from parents, arranged the layout of the dramatic corner in a way that is spacious and comfortable for children to play in.
Lesson Plan with Sensorial Book Playkit on theme of "All About My Body" (For A Module Assignment)
For a module called "Working With The Exceptional Child", my group and I created a Sensorial Book Playkit (part of a lesson plan) on the theme of "All About My Body" for a focus child aged 5 years old (K1). The book is designed for our focus child who has a mild intellectual disability (ID), is a kinesthetic and visual learner, enjoys looking at pictorial books with interactive materials to learn more about a concept and is curious about the human body. With these in mind, we have highlighted some areas he needs help with such as his short attention span and the solution of incorporating sensorial and colourful elements to appeal and attract his attention to learn more effectively about his interest, the body. For our lesson plan, children will be able to recognise words of the body parts and form the names of the body parts using letter cards.
To test children on what they have learnt.